To live with and guide campers throughout their camp experience in accordance with standards set by Girl Scouts of the USA, the American Camp Association and the New York State Department of Health and to assist the unit leader in planning, teaching, and coordinating unit activities.
• Carry out duties as delegated by the Lead Counselor.
• Know the girls in the unit and help them learn to respect the rights of others and to understand differences and similarities of other campers.
• Help to teach camping skills and appreciation of the out-of-doors.
• Help to supervise unit housekeeping, sanitation, care of supplies and equipment.
• Help guide activities and experiences in the unit through use of troop government, girl-led planning and the Girl Scout program.
• Help insure the proper hygiene and clothing of campers including showers, daily toilet activities, proper clothing for the weather and proper changing of clothing.
• Serve as waterfront guard or watcher and/or assists with swimming lessons as required.
• Help to supervise camper activities to assure safety.
• Reports any illness or injury to the Lead Counselor promptly.
• Other duties as assigned.